Physical Therapy Secret
Used by Professional Athletes Improves
Blood Circulation, Increases Muscular Strength &

Gets You Visibly Leaner
Almost Overnight

Now You Too Can Torch Stubborn Fat For Up To 72 Hours Using A Simple 24-Second Muscle Activation Trick That Burns Away More Belly Flab Than If You Ran 33 Hours Per Week!

Saturday October 05, 2024

Dear friend,

Are you trying to get back in shape but not seeing the results you deserve? It’s not your fault…

According to the CDC— millions of Americans are exercising more than ever… but the obesity rate is climbing.

And the problem isn’t the type of workouts you’re doing. Or that you’re performing the wrong exercises. Or not moving enough…

The REAL Problem To Your Stubborn Fat Loss Is Buried Deep Inside Your Muscles…

And unless you make this little known fix that I’ll share with you today… you’ll continue to struggle no matter how hard you try to lose weight. So read every word on this page…

Because the simple method you can steal to ignite your body’s fat burning ability is one used by physical therapists and secretly stolen by professional athletes when they want to get lean…

And according to Australian Researchers… melts more stubborn fat than if you were to run 33 hours per week!

Plus… this little-known technique will energize every cell in your body… loosen up your muscles and joints… and prime your physique for faster fat loss WITHOUT exercising harder… moving more… or any of the other weight loss advice doctors give you.

First, let me introduce myself…

My name is Mike Westerdal. Founder of the internet’s longest-standing health & strength site I'm also a national best-selling fitness author, sports nutrition specialist and personal trainer.

Although I’m at the top of my game at 42 years old, it wasn't always like this…

I know what it’s like to bust my butt at the gym… follow my diet to the “t”… and still not fit better in my clothes… or see the changes in the mirror that I worked so hard for…

I used to think getting in shape is as simple as being more active or doing intense workouts…

And if I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted, I’d just exercise longer and harder…

Even then, I’d still struggle with stubborn fat. Especially around my belly and lower back.

I spent years stuck in the same trap… exercising more and more only to make a little bit of progress.

Until I met a trainer named Ryan Faehnle who told me…

“You’ll Always Struggle To Get Lean Until
You DESTROY Your Exercise Resistant Fat Cells…”

Which was something completely new that I’d never heard of before…

He told me that if you sit for more than 4 hours a day, your body’s cells automatically become more resistant to exercise

You see we spend more hours sitting than our bodies were ever designed to do. And it’s destroying our muscles, posture and wellbeing…

Even worse— sitting for prolonged periods increases risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and death…

One international study says the risk can be reduced by doing 1 hour of physical activity every day… But who seriously has time?

Plus the more sitting you do, the more your body becomes resistant to exercise…

Which is why more movement… or working out harder is NOT effective for the millions of men and women struggling to get back in shape. So…

If you sit more than four hours a day,
lean in and read every word of this letter…

Because on this page I’ll show you how to finally reprogram your body to burn fat like you did when you were younger…

Using a gentle metabolic sequence… that will flip on the master fat loss switch inside your cells— so you can burn up to two-times more fat throughout the day and during exercise without any extra effort…

And finally fit better in your clothes and take the mystery out of getting fit once and for all regardless of your age…

The best part?

You won’t have to eat less than you are right now…

Or exercise harder or longer to see a night and day difference in the mirror…

In fact— Coach Ryan told me that no-one trying to lose fat should be killing themselves in the gym. Instead…

Simply awaken your sleeping fat loss cells and you’ll instantly get more results from your routine… even from low intensity movements like walking or stretching.

This unique method is so powerful…

You’ll Even Burn Fat
While You Sleep!

To explain, here's pro-trainer Ryan Faehnle - AKA “The Fat Loss Activation Guy”…

Hi. I’m Coach Ryan Faehnle.

As a certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS), I’ve trained athletes in 21 different sports at levels from high school to professional…

I’ve coached NFL Super Bowl Champions as well as ordinary men and women in their 50s, 60s, and 70s who want to get better results from their workouts and feel great in their bodies

I’ve used the exact activation strategies I’m about to share with you to help my clients lose fat and get in top shape FAST

And I’m proud to say that I’ve built my reputation on results, not theory. Now…

Looking at me you may think the whole fitness and health thing comes naturally. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Because I wasn’t always the lean guy I am today…

I Know What It’s Like To Feel Stuck
And Hopeless Trying To Lose Weight…

And after almost five years of burying myself in the science-based research… and consulting with dozens of cutting edge physical therapists and athletic trainers…

I was able to finally crack the code on getting lean and gain my confidence back… and you don’t have to be an athlete… or even in shape… to experience the same kind of benefits.

It all clicked when I discovered the impact of muscle activation on your stubborn fat cells…

And how simply “exercising”… is NOT the answer to get a lean and sculpted body.

Here’s The REAL Reason You’re
Struggling With Stubborn Fat Loss

(And Why It’s NOT Your Fault)…

Problem #1: Exercise-Resistant Fat Cells

A study at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden found that your body stops creating fat cells in your mid-20s. But these fat cells get more resistant to exercise and diets over time (cite)…

Because the longer they live, the more “alpha receptors” they grow…

Once your fat cells get packed with alpha receptors they become stubborn and hard to lose no matter how intense your workouts or how many salads you eat…

Yet new studies show you can switch these alpha receptors into “beta receptors”… which are a lot easier to burn

In fact, “beta receptors” are what make up a lot of your fat cells when you were a teenager…

So it’s no surprise you were able to eat whatever you wanted and still not gain any weight. Or spend ten minutes going for a jog or doing crunches and instantly look more lean and fit the next day.

Again, it all comes down to what receptors are making up your fat cells…

And there’s a simple solution you can use starting today to RESET your stubborn fat “alpha” receptors… to the easy to burn “beta” receptors that you had when you were younger.

Solution: Beta Activation Movements

To destroy exercise-resistant fat, you first need to block pesky alpha receptors from growing and spreading and re-activate your beta receptors…

This will immediately help you lose weight faster and with less effort too.

All you need is a simple trick that has not been made available to “every day” people like you and me until now

Physical therapists and high-paid trainers inside the locker rooms of elite athletes like Olympians, Super Bowl champions, and title-holding boxers and martial arts know all about this method… because there’s a lot of times these athletes need to cut weight fast for the performance benefits.

And it only takes minutes, sometimes seconds to do.

See, what most people don’t know is you already have a lot of fat burning nutrients inside of your body like nitric oxide, oxygen… and other chemicals with big sciency names that are proven in numerous studies to burn stubborn fat cells.

I call them “metabolic nutrients”…

And these are key for turning your “alpha receptors” into “beta receptors” for easy weight loss.

Now it won’t change all of them. Like I mentioned above. Some of these alpha receptors spawn as we get older…

However, you can limit the amount of alpha receptors invading your cells when you perform specific movements that unlock these metabolic nutrients blocked up inside your body.

Which can happen starting today. And it doesn’t require you to “move more”, run sprints, eat less or anything like that…

Instead, on this page you’ll learn the exact Beta Activation Movements you can add to your day in only 10-15 minutes that will make burning stubborn belly fat easier than it’s been in a long time.

Problem #2: Broken Muscle Satellite Cells

When you lose muscle it’s hard to lose fat…

And if you’re over 30 years old, your body experiences something called “sarcopenia”… which is just a fancy way of saying, age-related muscle loss.

So not only do your muscles become weak if you’re not exercising them… they also become thinner and more squishy.

As a result, fat has more room to grow and take space on your body. So it has a double-whammy effect that makes fat gain twice as speedy as you get older…

But don’t worry. I’ll show you how to reverse this process in just a minute.

See… a 1961 study from Rockefeller University found each muscle fiber has “satellite cells.”

And it turns out these “satellite cells” are the only cells in your body that can repair muscle that’s been lost to age related muscle loss.

The problem is… these satellite cells become less and less as you get older…

Meaning your muscles don’t repair like they once did. They lose their strength. And they feel like they get old and worn out…

And even though you can’t stop this from happening completely… you can slow it down.

Solution: Muscle Signal Rewiring

A 2005 study at Stanford University found a unique trick that invigorates aging muscle. So that it stays healthier and stronger for longer.

And you won’t believe how simple it is…

Because research shows you only need to move your muscles in a specific way, following a very unique muscle activation sequence to extend their lifespan…

And when you do… it sends an energy signal to your cell’s “powerhouse”… which stimulates muscle satellite cells and keeps them activated longer.

And as a bonus, keeps your muscles strong and hard. Your metabolism, firing on all cylinders. And causes a chain reaction of fat-loss throughout your entire body… including those trouble areas.

And in just a minute you’ll learn how easy this muscle activation trick is to finally burn those stubborn spots you want gone forever.

Problem #3: Stress Spike Exercise

Most training routines cause you to store fat in your “problem areas.”

I know, it sounds crazy, but shocking research from the American Journal of Physiology confirms that over time your body adapts to changes in exercise…

And learns how to be more energy efficient and preserve fat on your body as a means of survival. And this happens no matter how healthy you are.

So what do you do when the fat doesn’t come off like it used to?

Most people exercise more…

If that’s you, I don’t blame you… You were likely told that working out longer helps you burn more fat… or that you have to increase the intensity of your exercise to see results, right?


A recent study published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine, found the more you exercise, the more stress you place on your body

And when your stress levels are high for too long… fat begins to “settle in” to those embarrassing areas you hate…

Like around the belly, chest and legs…

So what’s the solution if more exercise will only make it worse?

Something you’d never expect… but is far more gentle, takes less effort, and sets you up for around-the-clock weight loss.

Solution: Calming Deep Tissue Exercise

A 2008 study found low-intensity exercise will reduce stress levels in the body, and boost overall fat-loss…

Which is why the muscle activation trick on this very page isn’t rigorous… or anything that’ll make you tired and achy.

Instead, it works like a spa day for your body…

Soothing and recharging your muscles every time you use it… while circulating metabolic nutrients from head to toe so you can burn stubborn fat right off those problem areas and finally start fitting in your clothes and loving the way you look in the mirror.

I promise you’ll feel good all over from the very first time you use this body-friendly hack…

And it’ll help you finally get the body you desire and deserve without exercising more…

Plus— after using this simple routine you’ll burn more fat calories with simple movements you do every day… like going for a brisk walk or taking the stairs at work.

So here’s the truth. Starting today you can…

Prevent Fat Cells From Expanding
As You Age… And Shrink Them Till They
Practically Vanish

While replacing stiffness in your tendons with flexibility and ease of movement…

And establishing a deeper connection between the brain and the body… so you function as one high-voltage unit all day long.

At the same time, you’ll restore strength and energy to your muscles… so for possibly the first time in a long time every muscle in your body will “fire on all cylinders” and have you feeling stronger while looking leaner too.

All it takes is one simple body activation system…

And you don’t have to wait any longer…

Because now—for a limited time—I’m opening up my complete done-for-you playbook to unlock faster and easier fat loss using gentle activation movements in just minutes per day…

Introducing Fat Loss Activation

Easy To Follow Muscle Activation Movements You Can
Use Today To SPARK Your Muscles And Cells For A
Leaner, Stronger, Healthier Body In Less Than
15 Minutes A Day…

Fat Loss Activation Training Manual
& Workout Logs ($97 Value)

The core of the Fat Loss Activation program are short, targeted 15 minute body part routines to transform you into a fat-sniping weapon…

I’ve welded the experience of my pro athlete clients to fit men and women of all ages and fitness levels… and have focused the program on short burst, low impact movements, a handful of times per week.

Inside you’ll receive both a detailed manual and Fat Loss Activation charts to make your 10-15 minute sessions as paint-by-numbers simple as possible.

Inside the Fat Loss Activation Training
Manual you’ll discover:

  • The ideal length of time to adapt your body and get in shape so you can avoid injury… reduce soreness… and experience new body shaping results easier than ever before. More on page 38
  • The secret weapon used by physical therapists and stolen by professional athletes when they want to get lean… that activates your muscle cells, stimulates your metabolism… and the best part? You won’t have to move a muscle. Learn more on pages 40-42.
  • The two-part combo to prime your body for resistance training so you can confidently lift weights in the gym with every muscle fiber firing on all cylinders for TOP performance. Try this before your next workout and see an INSTANT strength increase.
  • Do you know how much weight you should be lifting to see the kind of results you want? Chances are you’re lifting a lot heavier than you have to… and maybe more than your body can handle. More on pages 43-45
  • You don’t have to lift heavy weights or perform painful CrossFit workouts to get in shape and sculpt lean muscle… instead, I’ll show you a gentle way to reshape your body with weights that will skyrocket your metabolism and add attractive muscle to your body FASTER and SAFER than other methods…
  • The exact reps and sets scheme to create a powerful “afterburn" effect in your body so you can burn fat around the clock for up to 72 hours after a single workout…
  • The “golden repetition tempo” that ramps up your metabolism, builds lean muscle, and burns up to 21% more calories compared to traditional rep speeds (and how to work out yours)
  • Have you heard of “satellite” cells? These are special cells that naturally increase the lean muscle and on your body. Manipulating satellite cells to reach your ideal weight is the future of getting in shape and I’ll show you how to do it on page 51…
  • The targeted fat loss movements designed to speed up your journey to a more sculpted body… (new research shows you can target specific part on your body that you want to shape and tone. I’ll show you how. Starts on page 63)
  • My BEST abs moves you can do from your living room floor to build a strong core… strengthen your lower back… while melting belly fat and sculpting a lean midsection or six pack abs (if that’s your goal)…
  • Detailed exercise demonstrations and pictures so you know exactly how to perform every movement safely, efficiently, and to get maximum fat burn from every repetition.
  • Do you know that while you sleep is one of the prime times your body burns fat? The problem is, most people don’t have a sleep routine to properly wind them down, relax, and get deep fat burning sleep. Which is why on page 34 I’ll share the exact nighttime relaxation routine I recommend to all of my in person clients…
  • Complete fat melting and muscle sculpting routines you can use with your Fat Loss Activation exercises… to get the biggest bang for your buck everytime you workout. Simply follow the done for you program inside the Fat Loss Activation manual and watch your body change in as little as the next 3 days…
  • On pages 31-37 you’ll get an entire list of fat loss “biohacks” that will supercharge your results with almost no extra effort. Just following these tips and watch your body take new form…
  • Plus so many more amazing tips and benefits so powerful and transforming you’ll feel like you’ve been give a brand new lease on life!

While the Fat Loss Activation manual alone is a complete, done for you blueprint to reshape your body and help you achieve your ideal weight…

I really want to sweeten the pot for you to quicken your fat loss results even more…

Which is why, when you take action and invest in my Fat Loss Activation program today you’ll also receive these two fast action bonuses found on this page only…

Take ACTION and invest in Fat Loss Activation TODAY and receive these TWO fast action bonuses

Bonus #1
Metabolic Ignition Cardio Accelerators (Value $67 Yours FREE)

If you really want to up your game with the Fat Loss Activation workouts and take your results to the next level…

The Metabolic Ignition Cardio Accelerator add-on routines boost your metabolism, ramp up calorie burn and help you sculpt lean muscle on another level.

These workouts are cardio based… but don’t use any type of running or elliptical machines.

Instead, you’ll use proven strength training movements, with your own bodyweight or with weights if you have access to a gym, to crank up your heart rate and burn fat for up to 72 hours after each short session.

I’ll show you exactly how to stack the Metabolic Ignition Cardio Accelerator protocols with your Fat Loss Activation program for supreme fat torching results… and when you follow this simple formation to the T… your body will use your fat cells for energy to have an amazing workout while carving your best body.

Inside, you’ll find workouts like the:

  • Lightning Bolt Protocol… which is a fast paced fat slicing routine you can complete in ten minutes flat…
  • Naked and Unafraid Protocol… which uses your bodyweight to tone your muscles with a powerful low-impact routine…
  • Russian Nuke Protocol which is like dropping an atom bomb on your belly fat and is great if you love working out with a barbell…
  • Plus six more rapid fat loss workouts that will hyper accelerate your body sculpting results from day one…

These bonus metabolic workouts aren’t mandatory to experience amazing results from the Fat Loss Activation program…

But if you want to take your results to the next level… or want to lose weight and tone up even faster… simply tac these short routines to the end of your Fat Loss Activations and watch your body transform.

Bonus #2
Fat Loss Activation Supplement Stack (Value $47 Yours FREE)

My guess is you’ve seen your fair share of supplements claiming to burn fat effortlessly… and the results didn’t live up to the hype.

And while most supplements do very little… there are some I’ve used for myself, athletes and clients and backed by science to get you amazing results.

And while using supplements is optional

Adding a supplement stack into your program can help fill the gaps, boost your performance, and cut the time it takes to reach your ideal body weight.

Here’s What You’ll Find Inside The Exclusive Fat Loss Activation Supplement Stack Bonus:

  • The FLA Life Awesomeness Stack. This is the most important stack designed to optimize all the nutrients in your body to help change your body composition… skyrocket your energy levels… and improve your overall health…
  • The FLA Metabolism Booster Stack. Built to boost your metabolism and increase thyroid output so you can eat more food while building lean muscle and burning fat…
  • The FLA Testosterone Booster Stack. To balance your testosterone and lower cortisol levels to speed changes in your body composition and get your mojo back…
  • The FLA Sleep Stack. Sleep is one of the most important aspects of controlling your hunger hormones and recovering after an intense workout. This stack helps you achieve deep sleep FAST to change your body composition overnight for the better…
  • The FLA Workout Booster Stack. This powerful little stack helps you maximize your workout and get the most from every movement while burning as much fat as possible in a single session…

While the list may look overwhelming and expensive… it’s not in the least.

Simply choose the stack that best describes what you need help with most… and inside this manual you’ll get the exact supplement combination to get your the results you crave. It’s that easy.

So now that you see what’s inside my cutting-edge Fat Loss Activation program… I want to increase your belief in YOU, that YOU can do this, just like my other clients have…

So instead of just hearing from me about this game-changing fat loss protocol…

Check Out the Results of Some of
My Current Fat Loss Activation Clients:


(Results experienced are not typical. Consumer results may vary)

The Elite Fat Loss Strategies Accidentally Designed
By Physical Therapists And Borrowed By
Pro Athletes When They Want To Get Lean And Have More Energy… Are Now Yours!

I’ve done something special inside the Fat Loss Activation program by taking my knowledge and experience working with professional athletes and physical therapists…

And adapting their secret rapid fat loss methods for average people like you and me who want to be in better shape, feel good when you look in the mirror, and have a body that functions at a high level regardless of age.

So please don’t feel intimidated or think these fat loss activations will be too challenging for you…

You’ll actually be surprised by how easy they are…

And shocked when you see how quickly they work when your body begins to reshape and rebuild before your very eyes.

Now hear me out…

I’m not saying these routines won’t take any effort…

Since when has anyone gotten in great shape without breaking a sweat a few times per week?

But it doesn’t have to be overly taxing on your body to the point you can’t roll out of bed in the morning… or you have to hobble around the house the next day…

Instead, these Fat Loss Activation routines are easy to do… won’t leave you dead sore… don’t waste your time… and give you the greatest fat loss response WITHOUT high impact exercise, running sprints, or anything like that…

10-15 Minutes A Day Is All You Need
To See Amazing Body Reshaping Results.

Now I understand you may have tried everything to get in shape and it didn’t work out for you.

You’ve probably seen claims and promises of rapid weight loss and a quick fixes from shady fitness people or greedy supplement companies…

So I understand why you’d be reluctant to place your trust in anyone…

But here’s where myself and this routine is different and will work better than anything you’ve tried in the past. See…

Fat Loss Activation is a program I’ve developed and used on everyone from professional athletes to grandmothers.

It’s not based on theory or hype…

Every element of the program is designed around what I know works in the field of fat loss and is supported by scientific research.

And here’s the truth…

I Never Want You To Struggle With Stubborn Fat Again, So I’m Practically Giving Away These Gentle, Yet Powerful Fat Loss Activations To You Today…

You deserve to try these Fat Loss Activations… scorch those stubborn fat areas, and finally get the results you want. And I want to make it as easy as possible for you.

And today you’re in luck…

Because to work with me one-to-one would cost you $350 per hour or $1,000 for a full day.

Even at these rates, you’re getting a great value as I ALWAYS deliver results for my clients.

Now later on I plan on licensing this entire step-by-step system to other health professionals… complete with my unique techniques for activating your muscles for optimal strength and fat loss…

And I will likely charge several hundred dollars for that in the future…

But for right now… I want to give you a massive discount because I want to get as many testimonials and before and after pictures as I can with this program before licensing it out…

My hope is that you’ll follow the program to the “T” and in the coming weeks you will send me a kick-butt testimonial of all of the weight you’ve lost, the transformation your body has made, and the new confidence you’ve gained…

Is that fair?

So today and for a limited time I want to make these fat loss
activation secrets available to you right now for a one-time
deposit of only $19.
Just a tiny investment for less than the cost of two cups of fancy coffee from Starbucks and you’ll access my complete step-by-step playbook on fat loss for a lean, sculpted body… including these secret Fat Loss Activation routines.

I want you and as many people to get your hands on this as possible and finally experience the lean body breakthrough you’ve been hoping for.

Again, it won’t matter your age. It won’t matter your current shape. It won’t matter how much or little you exercise or if you exercise at all…

These short fat loss activations will prime your body to torch the stubborn fat cells that have been a blemish on your body, once and for all.

Seize this one time opportunity now…

Because I can’t promise this page will still be up a week from now, a day from now, or even an hour from now…

Because I will be closing down this program and turning it into a complete system that will only be found inside the offices of doctors, trainers and physical therapists so they can help get real results for their everyday clients… not just elite athletes.

So take advantage of today’s opportunity and discount before it’s too late…

Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below To Become Leaner, Stronger, And Healthier In Less Than 15 Minutes a Day With The Brand New Fat Loss Activation Plan:

I’m So Confident You’ll Love The Way Your Body Takes
NEW Form In The Coming Days And Weeks… That I Want
To Give You A 100% Money Back Guarantee…

Ok, so now I’ve shown you exactly what you get inside my Fat Loss Activation system and the benefits you’ll gain in the next few days… weeks… and however long you continue to use this program.

Plus— I’m giving away this entire bundle for the one-time low price of only $19 so I can get these fat loss secrets into the hands of as many “average” people like you and me who want to steal the secrets of some of the brightest minds of fat loss… and convert their techniques into something you can use to get the body and happiness you deserve.

But I’m not going to stop there.

I want to go one step further and take all of the risk off your shoulders and put it on me because I want this to be a no-pressure, easy decision for you…

That’s why I’m offering a complete
100% money back guarantee for the next 60 days.

I’m So Confident You’ll Love The Way Your Body Takes
NEW Form In The Coming Days And Weeks… That I Want
To Give You A 100% Money Back Guarantee…

Ok, so now I’ve shown you exactly what you get inside my Fat Loss Activation system and the benefits you’ll gain in the next few days… weeks… and however long you continue to use this program.

Plus— I’m giving away this entire bundle for the one-time low price of only $19 so I can get these fat loss secrets into the hands of as many “average” people like you and me who want to steal the secrets of some of the brightest minds of fat loss… and convert their techniques into something you can use to get the body and happiness you deserve.

But I’m not going to stop there.

I want to go one step further and take all of the risk off your shoulders and put it on me because I want this to be a no-pressure, easy decision for you…

That’s why I’m offering a complete
100% money back guarantee for the next 60 days.

So you can try out these Fat Loss Activations on your own time and experience the difference in how your body looks and feels from the very first workout… and if for whatever reason you aren’t a fan of the program. You get a full refund, no questions asked.

Simply send an email to my team at And you’ll get every penny back. It couldn't be easier.

Option #1:

You can ignore everything you’ve just read on this page. And continue exercising with the same results you’ve been getting…

Making slow progress. And your body taking its sweet time to lose the stubborn fat that’s piled onto those embarrassing places on your body over the years…

You can keep lying to yourself, hoping one day you’ll finally have a lean and healthy body. But I’m here to tell you that unless you fix your exercise-resistant fat cells, it won’t matter how hard or long you workout… or what kind of diet you follow… losing weight and getting back in shape will always be a struggle.

I’m not making this stuff up. It’s pure fact. I hate to say it but it’s true. So let me ask you…

If you could accelerate your results and get the lean and fit body you desire and deserve in months instead of years…

And do it WITHOUT spending hours slaving away on the treadmill… WITHOUT exercising harder… and WITHOUT wasting your time trying the get in shape and seeing sloth-like results in the mirror… would you do it?

Most people will…

However some people are okay with going super slow…

And sitting on the sidelines watching others reshape their body and lives. If that’s you, there’s nothing wrong with that.

Like I said, you may get lucky one day and see some progress. It may take longer. And it may be a lot harder…

But I wish you all the best and hope that eventually you catch lightning in a bottle, figure it out on your own, and see some changes in the mirror that you can be proud of.

However, if you’re someone who would rather enjoy a lean and energized body… and enjoy all of the side-effects that come with being in great shape… like glowing confidence, tons of energy, fitting better into your clothes… and getting more attention and compliments from your friends, coworkers, and loved ones, there’s a better option…

Option #2:

For less than a couple of drinks from the nearest coffee shop or a pint sized bottle of cheap protein, you can have access to a simple, revolutionary program designed to flip on your cells for maximum fat loss…

While your body resets and reshapes into a lean and strong figure and physique WITHOUT doing anything different with your workouts…

In fact, you’ll be able to do less exercise than you are right now and burn even more fat and in less time.

And if you’re not exercising right now… just add this simple 10-15 minute routine to your morning and watch your body transform. It’s that easy.

Just imagine a few weeks from now when you look in the mirror to notice the muscles in your arms and legs get more defined. While your skin gets tighter and more firm all over…

The fat surrounding your belly starts to deflate and the stubborn chunkiness around your lower back gets smaller every day.

You’ll finally have the confidence to walk around the beach without any insecurity or feeling ashamed of what other people may be thinking or whispering…

You’ll have more energy and ease of movement to run around with your kids or grandkids without getting short of breath…

And finally have a body that you love and feel great seeing in the mirror everyday…

That can all begin for you starting right here and now. Don’t settle for less any longer.

Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below To Become Leaner, Stronger, And Healthier In Less Than 15 Minutes a Day With The Brand New Fat Loss Activation Plan:

I’ve got your back.

Coach Ryan Faehnle, CSCS, FMS
“The Fat Loss Activation Guy”
Hormonal Fat Loss Advisor –

P.S. If you want to ramp-up your fat burning ability and melt stubborn belly fat faster and easier than ever before and in only 10-15 minutes… what are you waiting for? Now is your limited time opportunity to make that a reality for less than a greasy meal for two when you click or tap here to get started.

P.P.S. Remember, you’re backed by my 60-day 100% money back guarantee. Meaning, you can try Fat Loss Activation for the next two months and experience for yourself how quickly you’ll be able to drop excess body fat, re-shape your body and get the lean, attractive look you've always wanted. This is a limited time discounted price so grab your copy of Fat Loss Activation now before the price goes up or we close this page down for good.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Is This Program Different From Other Fat Loss Programs?
These fat loss activations make losing your belly and firming up your entire body easy again. Whether you use these Fat Loss Activations before the done for you workouts inside the manual… or you combine these fat loss activations with your current fitness routine… you’re going to notice that your body will get leaner and tighter FAST. And all you need are the gentle, yet powerful 10-15 minute activate routines I’ve mapped out inside of the manual for you.
Why Are You Selling This So Cheap? What’s The Catch?
There is none. My goal is to keep the cost as low as possible, just enough to afford to host this website, so I can get as many testimonials and transformations as I can before shutting this entire system down and licensing this system to chiropractors and doctors who can use these simple routines in their offices to help “jumpstart” weight loss for their struggling patients. I have a bunch of testimonials on the page already, but eager to gather more. So please, after seeing amazing results yourself, please email your progress to us at
How Long Does The Program Take?
The program is designed to take 10-15 minutes in total to complete. If you like spending more time working out there are ways to make these Fat Loss Activations more challenging to accelerate your results.
How Long Until I See Results?
Although everyone is different and results may vary, you should see a difference in phase 1 of the program which lasts 30-days. The entire program lasts 90-days and has 3 phases.
Who Is The Program Suitable For?
It's designed to be simple and basic so all can benefit, while at the same time there are progressions and intensifier techniques to make it more challenging if desired.
I Want To Start Right Away. Do I Have To Wait For The Fat Loss Activation Bundle To Come In The Mail?
You don’t have to wait, you can have access in just a few moments. Fat Loss Activation is a digital product so don’t worry about shipping fees or delaying results.
Are The Routines Hard To Perform?
Nope. The Fat Loss Activation manual shows you how to do everything with pictures and definitions and you'll be given the opportunity to speak with Coach Ryan in a private Facebook group should you have any questions. There are also progressions to make the movements more challenging if you prefer.
What If The Routine Doesn’t Work For Me?
If for any reason you're not happy you’ll get a full refund, no questions asked. We stand behind this product 110% and have no problem offering a money back guarantee and taking all the risk off your shoulders.
Do I need a gym membership or special equipment?
No. You can do this routine anywhere in a very small space. All you need is a pair of dumbbells.

References for Fat Loss Activation:

  1. Why we should sit well - NHS Choices -
  2. Prolonged sitting: 'Exercise does not offset health risks,' say AHA - Medical News Today (Aug 2016)
  3. Exercising regularly WON'T offset the risk of sitting for long periods of time: An hour of activity a day isn't enough to stave off heart disease, diabetes and cancer, study finds - Mail Online (Jan 2015) -
  4. One hour of activity needed to offset harmful effects of sitting at a desk - The Guardian (July 2016)
  5. Sedentary lifestyle can kill - BBC (July 2012) -
  6. The Risks Of Sitting All Day: Sedentary Lifestyle Affects Muscle Movement, Brain Activity - Medical Daily (March 2015) -
  7. Sedentary Behavior: Emerging Evidence for a New Health Risk - Mayo Clin Proc (Dec 2010) -
  8. The Futility of the Workout-Sit Cycle - The Atlantic (Aug 2016) -

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